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Police in Mogadishu ban Bajaj beyond midnight

Tuesday July 12, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali Police Force (SPF) has completed the first phase of the Samakaab operation, which has been targeting roving armed gangs and drug trafficking in recent days.

Police spokesman Abdifatah Aadan said in a press conference in Mogadishu on Monday that the police have arrested armed gangs accused of robbing people and seized large quantities of drugs during the first phase of the operation.

The spokesman announced that the rickshaws (Bajaj) had been banned inside Mogadishu after 12:00 AM, adding that no armed soldiers could be out in Mogadishu if they were not part of the operation.

"The second phase of the Samakaab operation is about to begin. It is a crime to see a Bajaj operating after midnight”, Abdifatah Adan, a spokesman for the Somali police, warned that any bajaj operating beyond that time would be identified as harassers. "It is not acceptable for someone to be seen in the Mogadishu neighbourhood with an army uniform and a rifle," he added.


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