Tuesday November 29, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) -A clan conflict is believed to be the motive of a family massacre on Monday in Middle Shabelle's Warsheikh district, according to neighbours.
Safiya Sheikh Abukarow, her brother Abukar Idow, her uncle Sheikh Muhammed Sheikh Abdi Ali, and her grandmother Sangabo Mohamud Hussein were among those killed in the village of Halule in Warsheikh district.
A fifth victim has not been named but is also believed to be a family member.
The armed men who slaughtered the family escaped.
According to unconfirmed reports from neighbours, the massacre is related to recent inter-clan violence in the Adale district.
Locals are concerned that the attack will jeopardize the peace agreement negotiated by Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud during a visit to the troubled district late last week.
Over 50 people were killed in an
inter-clan conflict in the Adale district following the withdrawal of Al Shabaab fighters. The clash is said to be sparked by a land dispute.
Security experts have expressed alarm over the return of fresh clan hostilities in areas liberated from Al-Shabaab and worry that such conflicts could undermine the military gains against Al-Shabaab.
On November 26, the Somali military, the National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA), and Ma'awisley militia forces cleared El Dheere, Adale district, Middle Shabelle region. According to the SNA, a US drone strike aided the operation, which killed
100 al Shabaab militants, including ten ringleaders.