Wednesday March 29, 2023

Las Anod (HOL) - The traditional elders in the conflict-torn town of Las Anod have accepted a ceasefire request from a group of traditional elders who arrived in Las Anod to find a peaceful solution to the three-month-old conflict.
On Tuesday, Sultan Mustafa Aw Saed spoke on behalf of the elders, stating that the ceasefire was accepted following a meeting between the elders.
"They told us that they want peace, that they want Muslim blood to be saved, and that they want a ceasefire. We accepted and welcomed the proposal. They will travel to the other side to discuss the ceasefire details," Sultan Aw Seed stated.
Aw Saed expressed his optimism that the elders' mediation would be successful and that the town of Las Anod would become a safe place for displaced people to return.
The group of traditional elders from Mogadishu arrived in Las Anod on Monday to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, which has been ongoing for three months. Accompanied by SSC elders, the committee travelled to where the fighting occurred to assess the situation.
The elders returned to Garowe on Tuesday after spending two days in Las Anod, and they are scheduled to visit Somaliland officials in Hargeisa.Earlier this week, the Somaliland military announced their intent to launch offensive attacks against the SSC Khatumo forces in Las Anod, marking a shift in strategy.
However, in response to the Somaliland military decision, the 33-member SSC elders' committee spokesman, Abdirizak Mohamed Hassan, stated that he did not believe Somaliland would launch a larger attack than the battle on Sunday. He also called on the international community to rein in Somaliland from attacking civilians in Las Anod.