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UN delegation meets Galmudug President in Dhusamareb town

Sunday June 30, 2024

Dhusamareb (HOL) - A United Nations delegation, led by Acting UN Special Representative for Somalia James Swan, arrived in Dhusamareb on Saturday to meet with Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor.

Mr. Charles Mballa, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative, and Mr. Massimo Nicoletti Altimeri, Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Development Program were among the delegation.

The Acting UN Special Representative and President Qoor Qoor discussed various national issues, including the constitutional review process, plans for elections, security, and humanitarian challenges. The UN delegation acknowledged President Qoor Qoor's important role in supporting these processes and encouraged that they be consultative and inclusive to maximize prospects for successful implementation.

Speaking to local media in Dhusamareb, the acting envoy expressed the United Nations' deep concern regarding recent serious clan violence in some areas of Galmudug.

"We extend our condolences to the bereaved. I commend President Ahmed for his swift action in establishing a regional ministerial mediation committee to help resolve the conflict. We urge that this, and any other reconciliation measures that may be helpful, be employed to resolve these conflicts as soon as possible," he said.

Last week's inter-clan fighting killed nearly 30 people and wounded more than 50 others in a rural area between Goldogob and Saah Qurun in the Mudug region. The conflict involved militias from the Sa'ad and Lelakase sub-clans over a land dispute.

Regarding the anti-al-Shabab operations, the envoy noted that President Ahmed emphasized that the security priority in Galmudug remains countering Al-Shabab and successfully concluding earlier initiatives undertaken in this state. He acknowledged the great challenge of rebuilding communities previously under Al-Shabab's control.

"The UN in Somalia is pleased with the effective partnership with Galmudug State in advancing police development through collaborative efforts in the Joint Police Programme. We look forward to building upon this productive partnership," he added during the press conference.

Mr. Swan reiterated the UN's commitment to support Galmudug in its state- and peace-building priorities and thanked the President and his government for their strong collaboration.


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