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Preserving Somalia's Unity and Sovereignty
By Abdimalik Johar
Sunday January 1, 2023


It is imperative that the conflict in Laascaanood be addressed as a top priority by the Somali government, the rest of the country, and the international community. Somaliland's occupation of Laascaanood poses a threat to national security and undermines national unity. Therefore, the Somali government must act quickly to end the occupation and maintain Somalia's autonomy and independence.

The residents of Laascaanood and surrounding areas have displayed great bravery and determination in their efforts to defend their homeland's independence. The government and international community must now support all parties in finding a peaceful and fair resolution to the crisis.

The SSC community, which has previously fought against Somaliland's attempts to annex their region, can provide support to the protesters in Laascaanood and work towards a peaceful resolution. This is because Somaliland has previously attempted to claim control of the town of Buuhoodle, but the SSC community successfully resisted. By raising awareness and standing in solidarity with those working to maintain Somalia's national unity and sovereignty, the entire Somali population can show their support for the demonstrators.

It is important to note that the conflict in Laascaanood is not just about territory and politics, but also about human rights abuses committed by Somaliland-backed troops. Many protesters have been injured due to police brutality, false arrests, and other forms of abuse.

The demonstrators have achieved a significant and symbolic victory by flying the Somali flag in downtown Laascaanood, which had been prohibited for decades. This demonstrates the SSC community's commitment to preserving their independence and the future of Somalia.

The role of women in the Laascaanood rebellion should also be recognized. Many Somali women have taken to the streets to support the men and women fighting on the front lines, showing their bravery and determination. This has inspired people across the country and demonstrates that women can be powerful agents of change and bring about political and social revolutions.

It is essential that the so-called Somaliland military stop violating the rights of the people in Laascaanood and that those responsible are held accountable. The international community, including the Somali government, has a responsibility to assist in finding a just and peaceful resolution to the issue of modern slavery in Laascaanood and to ensure the safety of the demonstrators. They must also respect the right to free expression in Laascaanood.

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has called for an end to the fighting in Laascaanood, but it is crucial that this statement is accompanied by real efforts to bring about change. President Mohamud and the government must listen to the concerns of the SSC community and work towards a peaceful and reasonable resolution to the crisis. It is important to hear the voices of the citizens of Laascaanood and investigate any potential wrongdoing by President Mohamud during the Laascaanood event.

The international community has a role to play in supporting Somalia's unity and sovereignty, but must also consider how its actions may impact Somalia's democracy and peace. Occupied areas like Laascaanood are more likely to remain so if the Somaliland government's plans to secede from Somalia are supported. Therefore, it is crucial that the international community clearly expresses its support for Somalia's unity and sovereignty, while also working towards a peaceful and fair resolution to the conflict.

finally protesters in Laascaanood: we stand with you and believe it is time for you to take control of your future. The SSC community has a long history of fighting for freedom and it is our responsibility as the younger generation to carry on that legacy and fight for the same cause. The leaders in that region have often prioritized their own interests over those of the people, but we believe that by standing together and being united, we can bring about the change we wish to see. So keep fighting, stay strong, and know that you are not alone. You have the support of others who believe in the same cause and will stand by your side. Do not lose hope and keep pushing for a better future for yourselves and your community.

Abdimalik Johar
[email protected]


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