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Somalia: A country led by insanity

Dr. Naima Osman
Wednesday July 12, 2023

Today, I convey to you with a heavy heart, burdened by the tragic tale of my beloved Somalia. As I reminisce about the year 1991 when I fled from the clutches of a devastating civil war, I am filled with a profound sense of disappointment and despair. Over the past 33 years, my homeland has been marred by a profound hopelessness, characterized by an alarming prevalence of injustices, impunity, and political disarray.

Amidst the ruins of a once vibrant nation, corruption runs rampant, devouring the very essence of our society. The abuse of power has become an unfortunate norm, leaving ordinary citizens defenseless against its vile grip. Unarmed clans and minorities have been subjected to horrendous mistreatment; their voices silenced as they endure unspeakable atrocities. It is a dark reality where the elites have cunningly utilized clans as mere pawns to preserve their grasp on power, heedless of the suffering inflicted upon the innocent.

In this shattered state, trust has been shattered as well. The people of Somalia, weary and disheartened, no longer know what lies beyond the horizon. Uncertainty looms large, casting a shadow of doubt upon the aspirations of a better tomorrow. Even after enduring the tribulations of these arduous years, we are faced now with the distressing news that President barely understands the sickness facing the country.

History tells us that Japan was defeated miserably by the Allied forces in the 2nd world War but was able to transform into the second-largest economy in the world within 10 years after the war. This was indeed a remarkable achievement. The leadership of the country was entrusted by experience bureaucrats. They played a significant role in transforming the Japanese economy, technology, and infrastructure, and promoting international trade with the rest of the world. 

A look at the Somali cabinet

President Hassan Sheikh is either insane or he is fooling the nation. As the President of the country, he needs to grasp that he cannot resolve 1% of Somalia’s problem by assuming his incompetent government to rise above adversity.  The lack of experience and competence in Prime Minister Hamza Barre's cabinet and himself is a matter of great concern for the Somali people. The country is facing numerous challenges, ranging from economic instability to security threats, and it requires a capable and knowledgeable team of individuals to address these issues effectively.

One cannot underestimate the importance of experience when it comes to governance and decision-making. Without prior exposure to public or private offices, cabinet members are struggling to grasp the complexities of their roles and make informed decisions. The absence of a solid background in governance, economics, or diplomacy hindered their ability to navigate the intricate web of domestic and international affairs.

Furthermore, the lack of competence among cabinet members raises questions about their ability to effectively implement policies and carry out the necessary reforms. In a country like Somalia, which is striving to rebuild its institutions and establish a stable government, it is crucial to have individuals with a proven track record of success in their respective fields. Without this expertise in place, the cabinet lacks the necessary skills to tackle pressing issues such as corruption, poverty, and infrastructure development.

Another concern is the political patronage and favoritism in the selection of cabinet members and other high-ranking officials that is typical in this administration.  In the absence of a merit-based appointment process, it is clear that individuals were chosen based on personal connections rather than their qualifications and capabilities. This not only undermined the credibility of the cabinet but also hampered the government's ability to gain public trust and support.

As alluded earlier, our nation stands at a crossroads. We are faced with numerous challenges that require urgent attention and collective action. From security concerns to economic hardships, from political instability to social injustices, our people bear the brunt of these issues every day.

First and foremost, the government must address the security situation in Somalia. The threat of terrorism looms large, destabilizing our communities and impeding progress. The government must work tirelessly to strengthen our security forces, equip them with the necessary resources, and provide them with the training and support they need to effectively combat terrorism.

Furthermore, the economic hardships faced by our people cannot be ignored. High unemployment rates, widespread poverty, and a lack of basic services have left many Somalis struggling to make ends meet. The government must prioritize economic development, create job opportunities, and invest in infrastructure projects that will improve the living conditions of our citizens. Only through a thriving economy can we hope to build a prosperous and sustainable future for Somalia.

The government must also address the deep-rooted political instability that has plagued our nation for far too long. It is the responsibility of the leaders to foster an environment of inclusivity, dialogue, and compromise. They must work towards a political system that is fair, transparent, and accountable. They need to put the interests of our people above personal gain and strive for a government that serves the needs of all citizens, regardless of their clan or background.

Above all, it is imperative that the president prioritize the recruitment of qualified professionals who could save the country. By doing so, the cabinet can effectively address the challenges facing the country and work towards a brighter future for Somalia and its people.

Dr. Naima Osman
[email protected]


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