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Somali News Update -Wednesday - October 4, 2023

Morocco reaffirmed its support for the Somali Federal Government's request for a three-month technical pause for the second phase of the withdrawal of troops from the African Union Transition in Somalia (ATMIS), scheduled for September 30th, before the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU).

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Somali News Update -Tuesday - October 3, 2023

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) has arrested Sufyaan Sheikh Ahmed, also known as Takeye, for propagating extremist ideology on Tuesday.

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Wararka Maanta-Talaado, Oktoobar 3, 2023

Talaado, October, 3, 2023 (HOL) - Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabad Sugida ee NISA ayaa sheegtay inay gacanta kusoo dhigtay Sufyaan Sheekh Axmed, (Taakeeye) oo lagu eedeeyay inuu faafinayay afkaaro xagjirnimo ah oo liddi ku ah nabadda iyo xasiloonida Soomaaliya.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Monday - October 2, 2023

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Today marks a historic event as Bilan, the first-ever all-women media team in Somalia, earns a nomination for the prominent 2023 Index on Censorship Press Freedom Award in Journalism. This nomination shines a spotlight on the audacious women of Bilan who have overcome significant obstacles to carve out a space for female journalists in a country where reporting is fraught with danger.

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Wararka Maanta-Isniin, Oktoobar 2, 2023

Isniin, October, 2, 2023 (HOL) - Ugu yaraan 5 ruux ayaa ku geeriyootay, ku dhawaad 10 kalena way ku dhaawacmeen dagaal beeleed ka socda degaan hoos yimaada degmada Galdogob ee gobolka Mudug.

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Somali News Update -Sunday - October 1, 2023

Kismayo (HOL) - Somali security forces seized a car filled with explosive devices following a security operation in the Dolow district of the Gedo region on Sunday, according to the local official.

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Wararka Maanta-Axad, Oktoobar 1, 2023

Axad, October, 1, 2023 (HOL) - Dadka ku nool degmooyinka Kaxda, Wadijir iyo Dharkeenley ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa saakay aroortii hore mar qura kuso toosay dhawaqa madaafiic ku dhaceysa qaar ka mid ah xaafadaha degmooyinkaas.

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Wararka Maanta-Sabti, September 30, 2023

Sabti, September, 30, 2023 (HOL) - Warar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya dagaal gabal dhacii maanta ku dhexmaray degmada Maxaas ee gobolka Hiiraan ciidamada dowlada, gaar ahaan guutada Cali Bin Abii Dhaalib ee xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa dadka deegaanka.

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Somali News Update -Saturday - September 30, 2023

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali military court sentenced two men to death on Saturday for killing several people in Galkacyo, the capital of the Mudug region.

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Somali News Update -Friday - September 29, 2023

At least five people were killed and six others wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a busy restaurant in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Friday, police said.

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Wararka Maanta-Jimco, September 29, 2023

Jimco, September, 29, 2023 (HOL) - Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabad Sugidda Soomaaliya ee NISA ayaa sheegtay inay gacanta kusoo dhigtay Sakariye Kamaal Suufi Abba-Sheekh (Saki) oo lagu sheegay inuu yahay shaqsigii ugu muhiimsanaa ee Alshabaab uga soo iibin jiray dibadda hubka iyo waxyaabaha qaraxyada laga sameeyo.

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Wararka Maanta-Khamiis, September 28, 2023

Khamiis, September, 28, 2023 (HOL) - Warar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay qarax Ismiidaamin ah oo duhurnimadii maanta ka dhacay degmada Buula burte ee gobolka Hiiraan.

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9:47:25 PM
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