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Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abid Barre, Deputy Prime Minister Salah Ahmed Jama, and former Deputy Prime Minister MP Mahdi Mohamed Guled have collectively condemned the tragic killing of the prominent Somali poet and composer Jama Kediye Elmi, who was among several people killed in a Somaliland mortar attack on Las Anod town on Wednesday afternoon.
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Khamiis, Agoosto, 17, 2023 (HOL) - Siyaasiyiinta kasoo jeeda Somaliland ee ku jira Dowladda federalka Soomaaliya, ayaa si adag u cambaareeyay dilkii Abwaan Jaamac Kediye Cilmi, iyagoo ku baaqay in lagula xisaabtamo madaxweynaha Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi.
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Las Anod (HOL) - A prominent Somali poet and composer, Jama Kadiye Elmi, was killed, and several others were wounded after the Somaliland army fired mortars into residential areas in Las Anod town on Wednesday afternoon.
Arbaco, Agoosto, 16, 2023 (HOL) - Abwaankii waynaa ee Soomaaliyeed Jaamac Kadiye Cilmi, ayaa galabta ku geeriyooday madaafiic la sheegay in ciidamada Somaliland ay la beegsadeen magaalada Laascaanood.
Talaado, Agoosto, 15, 2023 (HOL) - Taliyaha ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed, Sarreeye Gaas, Ibraahim Sheekh Muxiyaddiin, ayaa sheegay in aysan muqaan ififaalo ciidamada dalalka deriska ay kaga qeyb qaadanayaan wajiga 2-aad dagaalka ka dhanka ah Alshabaab.
Dhusamareb (HOL) - Somalia's Ministry of Defense on Tuesday urged residents in several villages in Galhareri and Elbur, two districts under al Shabaab control in the Galgadud region, to leave "immediately" as Somali forces, backed by international partners, started new airstrikes and military operations targeting the group in Galmudug regional state.
Beledweyne (HOL) - A massive fire destroyed large parts of the Dervish market in Beledweyne town of Hiiraan region on Sunday night.
Isniin, Agoosto, 14, 2023 (HOL) - SSC-Khaatumo oo ka hadashay dagaalkii shalay dhexmaray iyaga iyo Somaliland, ayaa sheegtay in 6 qof oo rayid ahi ay ku dhinteen 19 kalena ku dhaawacmeen duqaymo ay Somaliland la beegsatay Laascaanood.
Axad, Agoosto, 13, 2023 (HOL) - Agaasimihii madaxtooyada Soomaaliya, Xuseen Sheikh Mxamuuud, ayaa si rasmi ah u shaaciyay in uu iska casilay xilkiisii uu hayay tan iyo laga soo billaabo 23 May, 2022.
Dhusamareb (HOL) - Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with Catriona Laing, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), in Dhusamareb, the administrative capital of Galmudug State, on Sunday.
Sabti, Agoosto, 12, 2023 (HOL) - Ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo kaashanayay saaxiibada Caalamka ayaa howlgal qorshaysan oo ka dhan ah Alshabaab, waxay ka fuliyeeen deegaannada Baladul-Amiin iyo Baladul-Kariim oo ka tirsan Shabeellada Hoose.
Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali police forces have apprehended a suspected al-Shabab militant reportedly responsible for killing a businessman, who was the brother of South West Minister of Justice and former governor of the Lower Shabelle region, Ibrahim Aden Ali Najah.